Joseph was 28 years old and in prison. While in prison he was in the same cell with two other men. One night both men had separate dreams. Joseph interpreted both dreams and in three days things happened exactly the way he said. This is where the story gets interesting. Eleven years earlier, Joseph also had a dream. That dream was yet to come to pass. But here he was interpreting dreams for two people and in three days, not three months, not three years, his interpretation manifested. He begged one of them to remember him when he got out of jail. That man forgot. He forgot for another two years. How do you forget the person who interpreted your dream barely three days ago? But he forgot and Joseph spent another two years in prison before the dream he had 13 years ago manifested. But when it happened, it happened BIG. Sometimes in your journey you will find people who come out of nowhere and suddenly overtake you like that man that met Joseph in prison and left him there. Yo...